Netflix Profiles

I have been a huge fan of Netflix for years, I was onboard when the DVD shipments were the most important part of its business and I have witnessed the Netflix logo become more and more critical to successful media devices. At this point I am personally unwilling to purchase any device (TV, Blu-ray player, game console) that does not allow Netflix streaming. This proliferation of devices has been both a blessing and curse, as I am now forced to deal with how I manage these devices, and which family members gets access to my personal instant queue, or the ability to rate movies and highlight genre preferences.

Well a recent update from Netflix now permits profiles which can allow you to set parental controls, along with separate social features and taste preferences. Profiles are currently supported on the following devices, with more coming:

  • PS3*
  • Xbox 360
  • Apple TV
  • Apple IOS devices

You can also edit profiles on the PS3.

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