Primary constructors - class vs record

5 min read

I was roped into a discussion about how the Visual Studio debugger interprets parameters passed via a primary ...

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The Arm development ecosystem is ready

4 min read

I have been keeping a close eye on the Arm software and hardware ecosystem for sometime and it is clear that we are at ...

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Bringing the Aspire dashboard to ACA

3 min read

The .NET team just released the GA version of Aspire! It looks awesome check out Demystifying cloud-native development ...

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Understanding time value in Product Development

4 min read

'The time is out of joint. O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!' – HamletI have and always will think ...

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Easily navigate code delegates

4 min read

Delegates are everywhere in modern code, a delegate is a type that represents references to methods with a particular ...

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Homo sapiens 1.0

3 min read

By now you have probably noticed that Microsoft has replaced its Calibri default font with Aptos, a new sans-serif ...

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A better vision for Central Ohio

3 min read

RAPID 5 envisions a transformation of Central Ohio’s quality of life by leveraging our local waterways and vibrant ...

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The gift of time

2 min read

As I get older I understand that my time is a precious and limited resource, and that whomever I choose to spend it ...

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API testing with .http files in Visual Studio

4 min read

I really do not like using command line tools for everyday tasks, I just prefer to grab my mouse, and point and then ...

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