I started using IFTT some years ago to ensure that whenever I created a new blog post I would automatically send a tweet letting my network know about it. It worked well but I noticed that Microsoft Flow was a thing and so I started to move my automation. They have a standard blogging template that detects when you have published a new post and sends a tweet, in fact it looks just like the IFFT equivalent.

I created one additional template that I thought might be useful, essentially it sends out a tweet (Post a tweet step) every Wednesday (Recurrence step) based on the oldest item in my RSS feed (List of all RSS feed items step).

Power Automate - Publish to Twitter every Wednesday

I have developed the following two expressions for the Tweet which looks at my RSS feed and grabs the last item in the array feed list items and uses the blog title and feed link.



I usually blog once or twice a week so my Twitter followers will get a reminder of my older posts. Unfortunately I need a premium account to share this template but I am hoping this is enough information for anyone else to reconstruct this automation in their own blog feeds.

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