I often see sites reference PDF documents but rarely see people take advantage of a supported feature that allows you to link to a specific page or specific content within a PDF page.

Link HTML to a specific PDF page

You quickly link to a specific page with the following:

Link HTML to a specific PDF destination

Using a PDF editor tool like Acrobat Professional (or Standard) you can define a destination within a PDF document, this can be in the form of a table, image or some other noteworthy location, as follows:

  1. Open/Create your PDF document with Acrobat.
  2. Navigate to the location in the document, set the zoom and the relative position of the page based on your presentation preferences, this is how the document will be presented when opened later.
  3. Select View –> Navigation Panes –> Destinations, and the Destinations tab will be visible on the left.
  4. Click on the “Create New Destination” icon and name your destination appropriately (my example is “mainimage”).
  5. Host your PDF document and create a link, here is my example.

This is pretty straightforward stuff, but trust me when it comes to ease of use and presentation every little bit counts.

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