I am a huge fan of WPF and more specifically Silverlight so when my wife took the opportunity to incorporate Expression Blend into a recent project I was eager for her to give the new Sketch Flow pattern a whirl. The Sketch Flow concept came across as the ability to mock up a complete application or website and transform that into a working production model. Effectively narrowing the gap between the client, designer and the developer. After working with my wife over the last couple of months it is clear that this particular idea was misrepresented.

My wife had created a prototype using the Sketch Flow concept and put together a very compelling, and partially functional, application. Unfortunately that fact that project was in fact Sketch Flow means that you just cannot simply open this application up in Visual Studio and start doing the complex software engineering work. In fact there a bunch of hoops (albeit well documented in Blends User Guide) that need to be followed in order to make this happen:


It is just clear to me that the role of the Devigner (Designer and Developer amalgam) is not a cohesive as advertised.

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