Math in .NET

In a quest to get to know the .NET library just a little bit I wanted to push on into the System.Math class just a little further. Having done quite a lot of math in my college days most of the methods in Math were pretty obvious and so I will forgo going over the obvious ones (cos, tan, etc) here.

There were several that were not immediately recognizable to me for a variety of reasons, it has after all been 10 or more years since I have had any serious mathematic problems to deal with. Also the names of the methods were not as intuitive as they might have been if not for the constraints of method naming.

System.Math.IEEERemainder(x, y) – Gives the remainder of the division as defined by IEEE.
System.Math.BigMul(a, b) – Gives the full product of two 32 bit numbers as Int64 (long).
System.Math.Pow(x,y) – Raises one number to the power of another. Not sure why they did not use the full “Power” word, I probably would have known it right away.
System.Math.E – This is simply a natural log, again I would have figured this out but the natural log is usually represented by a lower case “e” in Math.

What class or namespace should I look at next … I think System.Text … I reread the Joel on Software article on Unicode.


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